PACE – What does a high-growth leader look like?


Our market-leading, proprietary behavioural analysis tool, PACE, can define behavioural archetypes for upper-quartile, high-growth leaders.

Unlike generic psychometric tests, PACE goes beyond abstract insights, delivering targeted results tailored to meet the needs of business owners and investors in high-growth companies. With PACE, defining behavioural archetypes for upper-quartile leaders becomes effortless, providing invaluable guidance for success in today’s competitive market.

PACE stands for:


Let’s look at some key questions that PACE can answer.

Q: What does ‘good’ look like in the PACE profile of a high-growth CEO?

A: High-growth CEOs are typically more curious and agile than the generic C-Suite leader. That means they are more likely to generate big-picture ideas for the organisation and explore new possibilities, whilst learning from failures and evolving with new skills along the way.

Q: Which of the 4 behaviours is a high-growth CEO typically high/low in?

A: CEOs are typically high in ‘Curiosity’, making them open to approaching tasks in different ways to achieve their goals. They are the least focused on ‘Pragmatism’; taking a more long-term realistic focus on the planning of how to achieve their goals.

Q: How do high-growth leaders tackle typical challenges, according to PACE?

A: Due to their higher score within curiosity, high-growth CEOs entertain new possibilities and solutions based on trends in the market, and are quick to adapt to uncertainty. This enables both the team and business to scale rapidly.

Additionally, their higher agility score ensures that when issues and problems arise, they learn from their teams’ mistakes; working to best mitigate the chances of this mistake re-occurring.

Q: When looking at these behaviours of the CEO, what complementary behaviours would you look for in their ‘right-hand’ person: typically the CFO or similar Finance leader?

A: CFOs are generally high in pragmatism and execution, which are generally the lower behaviours of a CEO. This means that the CFO is looking to take the initiative and come up with practical and efficient solutions, and is motivated by achieving ambitious goals and visions.

It’s important to remember that, whilst business leaders can be compared to archetypes, it’s of equal importance that they fit into the team. 

PACE profiles people on an individual level, offering insights into what makes them unique and how they can create value within an organisation, providing insight into group behavioural dynamics and helping to ensure a team’s physical and cognitive diversity.

Unique in our market, Rowan has the ability to assess business leaders for both their ability to effect high growth, and their fit into the existing leadership structure.

To find out more about PACE get in touch or if you’d like to take the PACE evaluation click here